Monday, October 29, 2012

Bee Fact #68

Scientists speculate that bees are filled with helium, like tiny stinging dirigibles, allowing them to fly.

Bee Fact #67

Physicists still have no explanation as to why bees can fly, given their small wings and large bodies. It is a scientific mystery.

Bee Fact #66

Dreamcatchers are ineffective at stopping nightmares about bees. This fact baffles scientists.

Bee Fact #65

People who unconditionally hate bees and want them to die suffer from a condition known as diebeetus. There is no known cure.

Bee Fact #64

Buckminster Fuller stole the idea for geodesic domes from a bee that built a perfectly sphere hive. He was later stung by the bee.

Bee Fact #63

Penguins are the largest bees in the world. Though unable to fly or sting, they still produce honey and live in underwater hives.

Bee Fact #62

Of the Beefowl, female bees are called beehens. Male bees are beecocks.